Linear Actuators
High-performance contractile artificial muscle actuators
Stronger, Lighter, Smaller
Pound for pound, Adaract’s artificial muscle actuators contract with more force than any other linear actuator–without sacrifices to range of motion, durability, or efficiency.
By combining high pressure hydraulics, advanced synthetic materials, and proprietary manufacturing, Adaract has achieved unprecedented performance in linear actuation.
Adaract’s actuator performance and how it interfaces with existing systems can be fully customized. An actuator’s length or fiber count can be adjusted, as can its hydraulic fittings and mechanical connections.
Unparalleled Performance
High Pressure Operation
Suitable for continuous operation at 3,000 psi, with burst pressures of 9,000 - 10,000 psi
Lightweight Strength
Contraction force to actuator weight ratios of up to 20,000 : 1 are possible at 3,000 psi. as a standard 8” fiber weighs less than a penny
Well suited for impedance control and as flexible as a shoestring, even in bundles
Zero-drip Operation
Provides zero-drip operation and compatibility with common aerospace hydraulic fluids such as Skydrol™ and Chemolube®
Durability in Extreme Environments
Adaract’s actuators can be configured to provide extreme corrosion resistance to salt solutions and humid environments.
Fully Customizable
Can be designed and manufactured in bundles of any number of fibers at any length to perfectly fit your specific application
Working Pressure: 3,000 PSI
Burst Pressure: 10,000 PSI (typical)
Min. Contractive Pressure: 150 PSI
Displacement (single 8” fiber): 0.4 mL
Contraction Speed: 50 milliseconds min.
Cycles to Failure: >1,000,000*
Weight (single 8” fiber): ~2 grams
Weight (bundles): ~1.3 grams per 8” fiber
Compatible Working Fluids: Skydrol™ and Chemolube®, Silicone Oil **
*For AM70 models
**Please contact Adaract if your application requires the use of alternative working fluids.
Achieve Your Functional Goals
Compact, energy efficient robotics
Reduce size, improve battery life, or reduce energy cost in robotic systems
Weight reduction where it matters
Significantly reduce weight when compared to industry leading hydraulic actuators
Compliant, bio-mimetic motion
Optimize wearables, bio-mimetic systems, and more without sacrificing performance
Related Products
Ultra compact Hydraulic Power Units for maximum weight/size reduction
Multi-fiber manifolds & valves to improve energy efficiency and control of Adaract actuators
Customized combinations of Adaract systems for easy implementation